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- microscopes
July 17, 2011
When you need to look at samples when you are out an about you need a precision made Illuminated pocket Microscope and High Grade Vision have brought two high quality microscopes to the market, both are illuminated and both come with UV Lights too.
The High Grade Vision 60x Illuminated Pocket Microscope has 2 LED's that illuminate the botanical sample or indeed any sample, that requires close examination. The microscope has all the power of a full sized microscope but is completely capable of being carried in the pocket. The addition of a UV Light helps you to identify any mould that may be on your sample or on your plants. Simply switch the light source to UV Light and any mould will light up with the UV as mould is UV Reactice.
The 45x Microscope slides in and out of a protective case and is a "bubble" lens type microscope. This pocket sized microscope is perfectly sized to be used out in the field or in any environment. Just slide out the bubble lens and the UV Light
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