air freshener
October 04, 2022
I sat with one of the founders and CEOs of D-ODR to discuss his D-ODR journey.
Having had a close relationship with the brains behind D-ODR, I wanted to share his story, and an in-person interview was what I felt was most authentic.
D-ODR's founders have had a long history within this industry in other business ventures, including the highly sought-after Kenex Scales. I realised I had never really probed much into what landed him in this industry. I knew he didn't have much personal relationship with the plant, so I was curious because he managed to execute products to the highest level for people who smoked. For example, with D-ODR, if I didn't know anything about the inventors, I would've assumed smokers created the product. The level of thought behind every step, fragrance
June 17, 2011
I just hate it when I have guests come over and there is an awful odour in the house. I am a smoker and of course I want to smoke in the comfort of my own home however there is nothing worse then the smell of stale smoke. Normal off the shelf air fresheners only mask the smell or combine the two odours and usually the smell these air fresheners give off are the not the most pleasant of odours. They are not natural even thought they claim to be. It would be great if they eliminated the odour straight away when I get that knock at the door and I am running around the house like crazy, spraying to save my embarrassment when they inhale that first breath and want to leave as quickly as they turned up!
I also smoke in my car which I know, is stupid considering it is in a confined space and is potentially a health hazard as I am breathing back in second hand smoke as soon as I exhale. But who does not want to smoke in their car on those
May 11, 2011
Cousin Puff Air Freshener - From the Creators of Tasty Puff Tobacco Flavoring!
We have all had those moments, there is a knock on the door, we have just finished changing the baby or the dog has just blessed us with one of those memorable odours. It's that embarrassing moment when you just wish you could hide. Well here is a solution to all those dank smells, and nasty flatulence. Presenting Cousin Puffs Air Freshener! from the makers of Tasty Puff Tobacco Flavourings, Cousin Puffs banishes bad smells in an instant through their carefully formulated and completely eco-friendly product.
In an non aerosol pump action container the boffins at Cousin Puff have created an air freshening formulation that works on the molecular level to capture and disperse smells and leave your room brilliant fragranced and refreshed. Cousin Puffs comes in the following flavours
· Bubble Gum - Reminds you of the sweet candy