A selection of specialist cleaning products and air fresheners for keeping your smoking equipment clean and expelling any unwanted smells.
Bongs, pipes and vaporizers will all need cleaning from time to time, and this range of cleaning solutions, anti-lime cleaners and anti-bacterial smoking wipes has everything you’ll need to keep your favourite piece fresh, shiny and free from germs and bacteria.
We also stock a large range of specially formulated air fresheners and odour neutralizers that will keep the air in your car and your smoking area clean and fresh.
By neutralizing smells on a molecular level, The Neutralizer completely eradicates unwanted smoking odours, replacing them with a clean, fresh scent derived from a complex blend of natural essential oils.
Orange Chronic 710 Cleaner - Pyrex Glass, Quartz, Silicone - 12oz by Orange Chronic Orange ChronicAs low as £12.00